Bomb Threat at Rex Putnam High School
Students back in school following bomb threat at RPHS.

Over 1100 students and staff at Rex Putnam High School were forced to leave their building around 11:10 Friday morning due to a bomb threat reportedly called into the school. Members of the Clackamas County SWAT team were called to the North Clackamas high school while students were asked to sit in the football stands for about an hour. Students from Putnam, who had been in classes at Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Center at the time of the incident, were held for about an hour for safety reasons. SSC Assistant Principal Suzie Peachin says over 100 students total were at the Sabin and Schellenberg campuses. Buses returned students to Putnam around 12:20. NCSD Communications Director Jonathan Hutchison says, “County deputies swept through the building at Putnam and found nothing.” He also added that students did return to class after, what he called, “a cut and dried situation.”
Rex Putnam student Molly Branstetter, a sophomore who evacuated the building, says “Students thought there was a fire because we saw fire trucks in the parking lot and the alarm went off.” No cars were allowed to go off or onto the school district property during the event. Other students turned to Twitter to post what was happening. One, identified as Bella, said “Uhhh hey there was just a real legitimate bomb threat at my school and I’m freaking out!!!” A number of parents came to both Putnam and SSC to pick up their students both during and after the event.
All student activities, including sports practices, are expected to run normally Friday afternoon.