Climate Change Walkout

Students converge on downtown Portland

This morning at 10:30, an estimate of 1,500 students, mostly high school students from the Portland Metro region,  gathered in Downtown Portland to join together to motivate politicians to enact regulations and new standards for climate change. A majority of the students left their classrooms and carried signs and marched through the streets before gathering at a rally. Signs included wording like,  “Trimet should be free”, and “Our Planet, Our Future”. The students also designed t-shirts to voice their opinions on the negative impact that the earth is facing. 
    Finn Jacobson, a sophomore at Rex Putnam High School, has an profound voice as a local activist in the March for Our Lives organization, and as a leader of the student body.  Jacobson states, “Climate change is too easily passed off as a partisan issue.”
   Milwaukie Mayor Mark Gamba, who is running in the Democratic primary for Congress in the Fifth District, spoke to about 150 students who gathered earlier in the morning at Rex Putnam talking about the need for students to voice their concerns and fight for change.   In addition, current Congressman Kurt Schrader, who is in Washington, D.C., released a video earlier in the day, thanking the students for staging the protest to let Congress and others know the importance of climate change.